Subject: Red Android 20... Oooo.. My sister plays this ^_^
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "byron liford"
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2003 20:20:15 -0400
From: Byron Liford
Date: Sat, 23, Aug 2003
Hey I've been playing for awhile and am pretty good. Lately I've made a red style Android Deck using Android 20 and many android allies. I have all of them except android 15. Anyway i was wondering if you had any sugestions on what cards that may help it alot. I have many cards to bring out allies, mostr of the ones i need except that one ultra rare that lets you bring out 7 allies, man i want that. I've beat alot of people with it but it still just doesnt seem god enough.
Theres a tournament coming up soon and the winner gets a box of fusion saga so i really wanna win, since i dont have many fusion saga cards. I can beat most that come to Schumers, the local card shop, but some still beat me easily. I really need some tips on how to emprove my deck.
OH, and just incase. Android 20 does more damage depending on how many allies you have in play with android in the title. His level three is what i try to get at which is a physical doing +3 life cards for every personality you have in play with Android in the title, and it can be used twice, ^_^.
Byron C. Liford
PS: The tournament is tough enough. Oh, and theres some card called something like, Intensity Drill, or somethen that does somethen like let you choose a level and advance to it aslong as you give up winning by highest personality, it would really help me and i was wondering if you knew a website to get it at.
LOL, I should get my sister to type this response. She plays Red Android 20 for both Standard and TE, but does better in TE (3-1 TE, 1-3 Standard, Worlds; T16 San Francisco TE).
The reason I like this deck is because it is easy yet complicated at the same time. There are a ton of combos in the deck that aren't too hard to pull off. It can also win in 3 different ways (anger, DB, ally beatdown) but of course only ally beatdown in TE.
Because I'm feeling generous I'm going to type out my sister's decklist that she used at Worlds for Tuff Enuff. It is not bad; not top tier but I'll guarantee it is good. I'm pretty pleased with how it works. One thing you'll like is it runs NO Ultra Rares or Uber Rares. I run them all in my deck of course. Z Warriors Gather also isn't something that is necessary in this deck. First turn it gets 2-3 allies out, and then gradually they all come out. It is not necessary to have them all out at once for the deck to work either. One Cell's Presence isn't good game then.
The Red Ribbon Army
Main Personality - 3
Android 20 Level 1 AS
Android 20, the Doctor Level 2 CS
Android 20, the Schemer Level 3 CS
Mastery - 1
Red Style Mastery TS (it works, don't ask... see, told you you don't need Intensity Drill)
Sensei - 1
South Kai Sensei
-My sister never Senseied; it was too complicated (as in knowing which when) for her. She also didn't want to lose an ally. Right now I would run 2x Black Scout Maneuver to get rid of those Cell's Presence. Just so you know she ran HUH???, 2 Red Tilted Punch, and 2 Red Sniping Shot, but never used them (HUH only).
Dragon Balls - 2
Alt. Dende Dragon Ball 4
Alt. Dende Dragon Ball 6
Non-Combats - 1
Foreboding Evidence (now don't ask why Expectant Trunks isn't in here, I still don't know myself. It should be. I think I will add it now...)
Battleground - 3
3x City In Turmoil
Allies – 7
Android 13, 14, 15, 16 CS, 17 CS, 18 AS, 19 CS Level 1
Physical Combat - 15
3x Red Shattering Leap
3x Red Blocking Hand
3x Red Escape
3x Super Android 13’s Physical Resistance
3x Red Energy Defensive Stance
Energy Combat – 21
3x Tien’s Tri-Beam (Red Repeating Flares is a nice card, try using it) 3x Red Android 13’s Prepared Stance 3x Android 13’s Prepared Stance 2x Super Android 13’s Destruction Bomb 3x Supreme Kai’s Ki Push 3x Red Energy Blast 1x Trunks Makes Himself Clear 1x Nappa’s Energy Aura 2x Red Energy Shield Now why Goku’s Energy Absorption isn’t in here is beyond me… better take out a Shield for it… *makes note to self*
Combat – 31
1x Battle Pausing
2x Unexpected Allies
3x Android Tag Team
3x Gathering of Heroes
2x Goku’s Quick Save
3x Android 16 Smiles
3x Android 18’s Staredown
3x Trunks Energy Sphere
3x Red Double Strike
1x Time is A Warriors Tool
1x Injured Circuits
1x Super Saiyan Effect
1x Cell’s Threatening Position
1x Android 17 Smirks
3x Are You Tuff Enuff??? (even more reason you don’t need Intensity Drill) See why Foreboding Evidence is my lone non-combat?
Looks I need to work on this thing since Fusion released an all. Red Mouth Cannon looks like it needs a space. Stuff like that.
I hope this helps. I will guarantee that this deck is pretty good. I created it and tweaked it to my liking and my sister’s liking. She hated Cell’s Defense so out it went. I mean, if she didn’t like, I respect that. She hated losing her allies. Added in more Tag Teams and Quick Save.
There are a ton of combos here, and one nice one is being on level 3, power twice, Ki Push to 2 to do a ton of damage (w/ level 2 power) and then leveling to 3 again. Also, note that Prepared Stance is a key card in the deck. Use it to your advantage. Red Escape is a nice card to throw your opponent off.
Tweak it to your liking. Gohan's Kick is a nice card, as is Energy Ricochet. There are a lot of new cards that can work in the deck, as well as old. Let me know how the tournament turns out. A box of Fusion... if we ever gave that out, it would be me, lol.
My sister is getting mad I'm giving out here deck... uh oh... better keep this a secret, lol. *runs away scared*
"You will not be allowed to do this to anyone else!" - Gohan